Images & Layers
Inserting Pictures in Word Layers and Grouping Objects in Word
The design criteria for a product includes the requirements of the target audience and the requests of the client. Requirements of the Target Audience For each of the characteristics of the target audience is there a requirement which needs to be included in the product because of that characteristic. Requirements of the Client (The person,
Audience characteristics, or audience demographics, are a set of metrics that describe the characteristics of a target audience. These characteristics can include:1. Demographics: Age, gender, ethnicity, religion, education, occupation, income, and lifestyle2. Interests: Hobbies, aesthetics, and other interests3. Attitudes, values, and beliefs4. Geographical data: Location5. Cultural background: Cultural background Example: Maths TestDemographics: – Age: 12
Audience Characteristics Read More »
A Product Description includes the purpose of the product, its form Example: Maths TestProduct Description: This test is to analyse the knowledge of students about the concepts of Pythagoras theorem. It includes multi choice questions and skills questions where students must use Pythagoras to demonstrate their knowledge. It will be printed and handed to students
Product Description Read More »
A Kiosk App means that the designer controls the flow of the PowerPoint from one slide to another, rather than it just moving from slide 1 to slide 2 to slide 3 and so on. In order to control the flow a design must
Animation Triggers Read More »
A Kiosk App means that the designer controls the flow of the PowerPoint from one slide to another, rather than it just moving from slide 1 to slide 2 to slide 3 and so on. In order to control the flow a design must Disable the Advance Slide functionality in PowerPoint
Design Planning In your journal write out a description and an example of the following: 1. Product Description2. Audience Characteristics3. Design Criteria Your examples could be for a advertisement for a product your like. Graphics Skills Create a Word document and include the following: 1. Image2. Gradient shaded background3. Word Art4. Text in a textbox
Interactive Design Skills Read More »