Interactive Design Challenges
Level 1 Challenges
Interactive Design Challenges Read More »
Build a game or your choice. Use the skills you have learned in this topic and completing the challenges Your game can take any form you like (any for that is suitable in a school classroom) Your game should have at least THREE backdrops.A start screen with the instructions on it. (How to play the
Build a Catching game where the main player moves left and right and catches objects falling from the sky. Use the keyboard interaction skills to move your player Use the collision with sprite to records each time the player catches an object Use a variable to keep score and add one the score for every
Build a Maze game where the main player must move through a maze without touching the walls. Use the keyboard interaction skills to move your player Use the collision with colour skills to stop the player moving through the walls Add a sprite at the end the finishes the game when the player gets there
Scratch An online block based programming tool Introduction to Scratch More Scratch Challenges Harder Scratch Challenges Scratch – Level 1 – 2024
Scratch Challenges Read More »
Complete the Skills from the Scratch Skills List 1: Backdrops & Sprites 2: Costumes & Movement 3: Interaction & Collisions
Write code to control a turtle and draw fantastic pictures! Control a turtle and draw amazing pictures with code. In this challenge you’ll learn the fundamentals of programming by using instructions to position a turtle on the screen. You’ll draw lines, patterns and shapes in the same way computers draw images on the screen. Everything
Write code to control a turtle and draw fantastic pictures! Control a turtle and draw amazing pictures with code. In this challenge you’ll learn the fundamentals of programming by using instructions to position a turtle on the screen. You’ll draw lines, patterns and shapes in the same way computers draw images on the screen. Everything