Backdrops & Sprites
Create a game should have at least THREE backdrops.
1. A start screen, a game screen, a finish screen
Add code so that the user presses the space bar to start the game and the x key to finish the game
2. Add TWO sprites, one from the library and one you drew yourself
Add code so that the two sprites only show on the game screen and not the start or finish screens
Costumes & Movement
Make a copy of the Project from the first skill, and rename it.
Add code that uses keyboard or mouse events to do the following:
1. Make a sprite move
2. Change a sprites costume
Interaction & Collision
Make a copy of the Project from the second skill, and rename it.
Add code to do the following
1. Move the main sprite in four directions (use either the arrow keys or ASWD)
HINT: use change x by and change y by.
2. Check for the main sprite touching a colour
3. Check for the main sprite touching another sprite
HINT: use the forever block
Variables & Decisions
Create a variable and add code to:
1. adjust the value of the variable
2. use the variable in your code